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Think Globally, Code Locally

Gate Keepers

Using a development hierarchy requires gate keepers. A gate keeper is responsible for coordinating the merging of changes in and out of a stage. For a team stage, the gate keeper is usually the team leader.

The gate keeper practice comes in handy when you have a new team and you want to have somebody outside of that team do a code review of all changes prior to merging the changes into the next stage in the hierarchy. Simply add a code review stage in the hierarchy between the remote team and the mainline and assign a local person as the gatekeeper.

One Virtual Site

When making decisions about your development process, always consider the worst case—would the choice work in the worst case. For example, which works best in the worst case, a whiteboard with sticky notes on it or a modern issue-tracking system? In the best case of a handful of developers all working together in an open area on a small project, the whiteboard will work fine. But if even one member of the team works in a different building, then the whiteboard will no longer work. On the other hand, the issue-tracking system will work where a whiteboard will work and it will also work even if a member of the team is halfway around the world.

Make as many of your development processes the same as possible at all sites. This simplifies the interactions between sites. For instance, if the same build mechanism is used everywhere, then the quality associated with the fact that a configuration builds at a particular site can be transferred to another site as opposed to having to be reestablished using a different build mechanism.

Atomic Transactions

Imagine that somebody on a remote team is checking-in a large batch of changes over a slow and flaky connection. If you update your work area during this time and those changes affect you, there's a very good chance that post-update your work area either won't build or the resulting executables won't work properly. Of course, you can update your work area again, but how do you know when to stop? Just waiting for an empty update could take a while, and is no guarantee that you have a cohesive set of changes.

Most of the newer SCM systems available today feature atomic transactions. This feature has many benefits for collocated development, but should be considered a minimum requirement for global development.

Atomic transactions either complete or fail; there's no in-between. This has the added benefit of grouping operations on multiple objects into a logical unit. Now, if there is a long-running check-in in progress, you are protected. When you update your work area, it will be updated to a particular transaction level. Only the transactions in the system up to the time you start your update will be brought into your work area.

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